About Paul

His Story

Paul got the writing bug early after reading every scrapbook his grandfather assembled. He was a meticulous scrapper, or as Paul would say, a collector of every piece of paper he encountered. Born in 1900, his grandfather’s name was Warren Miller and he could remember every nuance, every detail of his life. Such an amazing life he led, and such an incredible gift when he wrote his autobiography Life to Live. Using his electric typewriter, he drafted the thickest of life’s stories.

That is when Paul knew he wanted to be an author.

Like most of us, not every songwriter wakes up in the morning and bursts out a #1 single they dreamt the night before. The same goes for writers. Only a few authors wind up on the New York Times best-seller list, let alone become a published author. Books don’t come easy. Then, one day while sitting in front of his office computer, Paul created a short story. It took a couple of hours and this tale became the genesis for B.M.’s Poop Tales.

Paul is now in his sixties and a published author. He is beginning to notice the signs of keyboard dyslexia which makes writing twice as hard. “Storytelling is a joy. Follow your dreams,” he says. “Anyone can write a story and everyone should tell one.”

Paul will encourage his grandchildren to become storytellers. His passion came from his grandfather before him. And, he hopes you’ll get the writing bug too.

He got the writing bug early... Paul is now in his sixties and a published author. He is beginning to notice the signs of dyslexia which makes writing twice as hard. "Storytelling is a joy. Follow your dreams," he says. "Anyone can write a story and everyone should tell one."

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